Contribution by the Bundeskommission Modellflug im Deutschen Aeroclub (DAeC), (updated on 15/1/2021)
Until the 31.12.2022 (latest) the current national regulation for aeromodelling will stay in force. Only the registration of operators will become mandatory.
When an operational authorisation according to (EU) 2019/947 article16 is issued by the competent authority (hopefully in May 2022), new rules based on the Standardized Rules for Aeromodels issued by the MFSD (Modellflugsportverband Deutschland e.V.) will enter into force and replace the old national rules. The MFSD as member of the DAeC will be the holder of the operational authorisation.
Implementing the new EU rules. State of play
The MFSD is pursuing an operational authorisation under Article 16(2)(b) of EU Regulation 2019/247. For this purpose, the MFSD has compiled the Standardized Rules for Aeromodels. These rules describe established procedures, organisational structures and management systems of model aircraft clubs and associations and contains new rules for guest pilots.
Negociations with the German authorities on issuing an operational authorisation are in the final stage.
The overview below shows the basic rules of the new framework for guest pilots operating under the operational authorisation of the MFSD. Alternatively an operation under the rules of the Open Category is possible but not desirable.
A registration of a guest pilot for operation under the rules of the MFSD is mandatory. There will be an online procedure for the registration and it is free of cost. The registration is valid for 3 month and can be renewed once per year. Non-resident pilots who are member of the DMFV register once at the MFSD and can operate on registered MFSD/DAeC airfields. There is no time limit for this registration.
Pilots not familiar with the location of operation under the new rules need a briefing by a local pilot holding a MFSD-COC. On airfields such a briefing is mandatory for all pilots anyway.
Alternatively a guest pilot can become an associated member of the MFSD without insurance and without time limit and then is not treated as guest pilot anymore. The cost is 7,60€ per year. For guest pilots operating in Germany on a regular basis this would be the preferred and simplest solution.
There are age limits for operating model aircrafts.
Below 250 gr: No limit
250 gr to 2 kg: minimum age of 7 years
2 kg to 25 kg: minimum age of 14 years or supervised operation
25 kg to 150 kg: minimum age of 16 years
A certificate of competence is issued by the MFSD and can be obtained following an online training and an online test. In the future COC´s of foreign aeromodelling associations may be accepted. The European A1 /A2 /A3 COC´s are not accepted. Liability insurance and EU-registration (e-Identification) are mandatory.
Model aircraft heavier than 25 kg (MTOM) must be certified and require an annual inspection, as well as a pilot license for their operation. Models weighing less than 25kg but more than 250gr or with a camera or other sensors must display the European e-identification number of the operator. There are no specific requirements for transponders.
In Germany aeromodelling is allowed anywhere, except where location-specific restrictions are in place (air traffic regulations, environment protection or other limitations). There is no general height limit but typically operation is conducted in airspace Golf. The weight limit for model aircraft is 150 kg. Models above 25 kg must be certified. A certificate of competence is mandatory for operations above 120 m and models with more than 2 kg MTOM. A certificate of competence is not required if the operation takes place under the direct supervision of a pilot that holds a valid certificate of competence issued by the MFSD.
FPV operations require an observer.
- Deutscher Aero Club (DAeC): Member of FAI, EAS, ISAD, EMFU (Memberships relevant for aeromodelling):
- Modellflugsportverband Deutschland (MFSD) Member of DAeC: